About us
The Ruth Cohn Institute for TCI-international (RCI) is the umbrella organization for 20 regional and professionally oriented organizations in which people with various professional backgrounds meet. They use the TCI model as a form of living (and task oriented), teaching and learning to guide himself in his work.
In 1966 it was founded in New York as the "Workshop Institute for Living-Learning (WILL)". In 1972 WILL Europe was founded in Küssnacht, Switzerland. As the result of a further process of development, the founder authorized the use of her name for the training institute for TCI in the year 2002.
Currently, about 1600 people are organized in regional subdivisions. About 100 of these members have the TCI Diploma and practice in their professional fields. There are about 130 instructors, who have signed a contract with the organization. Quality is maintained by means of regular, continuing education and professional exchange on an international level.
Its function is to
promote and maintain international contact among its member organizations
develop and circulate TCI
maintain TCI training standards
Its activities are
Seminars in TCI
Organization of ...
Advanced training seminars
Maintaining an arbitration board, an international training committee, a graduation committee
Regular publication of a TCI journal
The project for "Young Adults"
+++ From 1 January 2022 you can apply for individual membership as an extraordinary member of the Ruth Cohn Institute for TCI international. Click here for the application form. Please note that you must also complete and sign the enclosed privacy policy. +++
If you have any questions, please contact the office in Berlin: office@ruth-cohn-institute.org or the board of RCI international.
We are happy to welcome you to become a member in one of our regional groups. The region will provide you with all the necessary information on membership.
Members pay reduced seminar dues, receive TCI journal the free of charge and profit from an international and professional network and they can in special cases apply for a scholarship.
Here you will find an Organigram (German version) and the Statutes on the structure of the institute.