Ruth Cohn - her life

1912Born in Berlin, of German-Jewish descent
1931- 1932Studies economics and psychology at the universities in Heidelberg and Berlin
1933Flees to Zürich
1933 onMajor in psychology, minor in pre-clinical medicine and psychiatry; further studies in education, theology, literature, philosophy at the university of Zürich. Trained as psychoanalyst by the international society for psychoanalysis
1941Emigration to the USA
1941- 1942Training in Early Childhood Progressive Education at the Bankstreet School (later college) in New York City
1941- 1944Psychotherapy studies at the William Alanson Institute in New York, particularly in the work of Harry Stack Sullivan. Studies at Columbia university, New York. Master's degree (M.A.) and "Diplompsychologin".
1946- 1972Private psychotherapy practice in New York City, continuing estrangement from classical psychoanalysis and interest in experiential therapy
1948- 1951Helps to build up the NPAP (National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis)
1949- 1973Training in group therapy with such pioneers as Asya Kadis, Sandy Flowermann, Alexander Wolf and others
1955Ruth C. Cohn initiates a workshop on the subject of "Counter transference"; its methodology will become the basis for Theme-centered Interaction (TCI)
1957- 1973Instructor at the Center for Psychotherapy (later Center for Mental Health) in the department of group therapy
From 1962 onActive member in the American Academy of Psychotherapy, the meeting place of representatives of new and classical psychotherapy methods (George Bach, Fritz Perls, Carl Rogers, Virginia Satir, John Warkentin, Carl Whitaker and many others)
Beginning of the 60sRuth C. Cohn works for the first time employing TCI in a business enterprise
1965- 1966Additional training with Fritz Perls in Gestalt therapy
1966Founds the Workshop Institute for Living-Learning, the institute for training, research and practice of TCI (Theme-Centered Interaction, TCI)
From 1968Ruth C. Cohn returns to Europe to attend international congresses on Group Therapy in Vienna, Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen, DAGG conference in Bonn, Psychotherapy Institute in London
1971Psychologist of the Year Award from the New York Society for Clinical Psychology
1973Guest professor for TCI at Clark University, Mass.
1974Returns to Europe, where she lives in Hasliberg-Goldern, Switzerland Private practice, teacher for TCI and counselor for colleagues in the Ecole d'humanité in Hasliberg Goldern ( 
1979Recipient of an honorary doctorate (Dr. phil.h.c.) from the psychology department at Hamburg University
1992Recipient of the "Große Verdienstkreuz" from Federal Republic of Germany
1994Recipient of an honorary doctorate (Dr. phil. h.c.) from the Institute for Psychology in the philosophy-history department of Bern University
2010Dies in Düsseldorf January 30th