Dr. h.c. Ruth C.Cohn

Photography: Walter Schels www.walterschels.de

"I would like to encourage people, who do not care for all this suffering, not to resign or feel hopeless, but to use their imagination and ability to work actively in solidarity, as long as we are able to feel our own autonomy. - This is what I really want to do with TCI." (Ruth C. Cohn)

Estate: Ruth C. Cohn (1912-2010) Life and Work of a Courageous Woman

From 20-22 October 2022, the International Symposium "Ruth C. Cohn (1912-2010) Life and Work of a Courageous Woman" took place on the occasion of the opening of her estate at Humboldt University in Berlin.

Here are more pictures, information and a film about the opening of the archive in Berlin: Symposium 2022.

Ceremonial handover in Berlin. Fotocredit: J. Lütz

Disclosure of a memorial tablet for Ruth Cohn

On Monday, 27. August 2012, a memorial tablet for Ruth Cohn was revealed in the Mommesenstraße 55 (Berlin-Charlottenburg). Ruth Cohn lived in this house until 1933. On the day of the revelation, she would have celebrated her 100. birthday.

The laudation of Hansfried Nickel for this occasion gives an insight into the life of Ruth Cohn. The laudation can be downloaded here as a PDF in German.

Ruth C. Cohn passed away Januar 30, 2010. She was buried on Waldfriedhof Langenfeld (Rheinland), Kapeller Weg.

files/content/zentraleinhalte/dokumente/Ruth Cohn/Grabstein_Ruth_Cohn.jpg

Photography: Hansfried Nickel